Our high-quality matcha & hojicha powder used at Bake with Ely

Matcha and Hojicha powder for commercial use from Simply Native are used at Bake with Ely in Sully Hills - just next to our shop!

Our friend, Ely provides lattes and pastries, using our high-quality tea powder and they are enjoyed by her lovely customers.

Collaborated with Bake with Ely

Special thanks to Ely for giving us this opportunity!

友人でもあるElyが経営するBake with Elyへ、高品質抹茶パウダーとほうじ茶を提供させていただきました。それらを使って、ラテや焼き菓子などが提供されています。

Elyが作るラテやスイーツは私たちも大好きで、仕事始めの活力として毎朝Bake with Elyへお邪魔しています。