Bespoke Wasanbon sweets for 空庵 Kuan
Simply Native is delighted to announce that a custom-made wasanbon has been produced for Japanese tea house 空庵 Kuan in Newcastle, to the delight of tea people in Australia and Japan.
Four native Australian flowers have been carved from a bespoke Kigata wooden moulds, which took over a year to create with Kuan founder Robert Davis and associated craftsmen in Kyoto.
The wagashi Japanese confessionary artisan of Kyoto's Kiyomizu-zaka area, Matsumura-san from Tsubone-ya, worked through a process of trial and error to ensure the colours were as close as possible to those of the actual flowers, resulting in the one and only Wasanbon confessionary.
We would like to thank Robert Davies, and everyone involved in the production.
ニューカッスルの茶室 空庵のために特注の和三盆が製作され、日豪の茶道関係者に喜ばれていることを嬉しく思います。
空庵の創設者であるロバート・デイビス氏と京都の関連職人と共に1年以上かけて制作されました特注の木型から、4つのオーストラリア のネイティブフラワーが象られました。