空庵 × Kyoto textile
Residential project
Simply Native is pleased to announce the completion of bespoke weaving textile for a Japanese tea house 空庵 Kuan in Newcastle.
The special weaving patterns representing Australian flowers were designed by Melinda Heal of so-meru, and created over the course of more than a year with Robert Davies, founder of 空庵 kuan tea house, and Mr. Masatsugu Kuno of ShowYou and associated craftsmen in Kyoto.
ニューカッスルの茶室「 空庵」のオーナーである、ロバート・デイビス氏からご依頼いただき、オーストラリアの草木を表現した特注の織りの反物を完成させたことを嬉しく思います。
Newcastle / 2022