Simply Native Shop Front

collaborated with Moriko Wagashi & Waseian



Japanese Tea Ceremony Etiquette Workshop
with Moriko Wagashi & Waseian

March 2023

On 25th March Saturday, Yukino Matsumoto, Simply Native Director held a Japanese Tea Ceremony Etiquette Workshop with Moriko Wagashi & Waseian.

During the workshop, Yukino and Wendy who is the owner of Waseisan taught about tea etiquette such as how to make and drink matcha, and how to eat sweets.

Also, Sakura mochi was provided by Moriko Wagashi who is Yukino’s dear friend and she has started her business (making Japanese sweets). We are truly happy to support you and work together.

Matcha Demonstration by Yukino Simply Native @simplynativejapan

Matcha instruction and guidance by Wendy @waseian

Japanese cherry blossom sweets (sakura mochi) by Kylie @morikowagashi

Simply Native店舗にて、お抹茶の作法を習うワークショップを開催しました。

ワークショプでは、Yukino(Simply Native)と、Wendy(Waseian)が作法を参加者にデモンストレーションし、和菓子はMoriko WagashiのKylieに提供していただきました。


